Tax Proposal Hurts Higher Ed

Tax Proposal Hurts Higher Ed

The AAUP, along with other higher education groups, strongly opposes proposed changes included in tax legislation being voted on by Congress this week. The AAUP particularly opposes the repeal of provisions exempting from taxation tuition waivers for campus employees and graduate students, which would cause a devastating tax increase for thousands of graduate students, and…

Board of Trustees: Greater Transparency and Accountability

Board of Trustees: Greater Transparency and Accountability

AAUP EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CALLS FOR GREATER TRANSPARENCY AND PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE’S BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ADMINISTRATION The University of Delaware’s Board of Trustees has become increasingly engaged in shaping decision making on vital academic issues at our university.  During the recently concluded contract negotiations with the AAUP, which lasted more than…

AAUP-UD Statement on Article 3

AAUP-UD Statement on Article 3

May 10, 2016 AAUP-UD Statement on Faculty Governance and Article 3 of the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees of the University of Delaware Relationships and interactions between the University of Delaware’s administrators, the University Faculty Senate and the University of Delaware Chapter of the AAUP (AAUP-UD) are generally open, frank and proceed from positions…

AAUP Steering Committee Rejects Administration Retirement Proposals

AAUP Steering Committee Rejects Administration Retirement Proposals

AAUP STEERING COMMITTEE RESOLUTION ON THE ADMINISTRATION’S RETIREMENT PROPOSALS   After careful consideration, at its meeting on Thursday, April 21, the Steering Committee of the AAUP unanimously voted to reject the current administration’s surprising proposal to phase out the retirement leave and the lump-sum retirement payout proportional to years of service. These retirement benefits, which…



The UD/AAUP Bargaining Team brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and leadership to the upcoming negotiations with our Administration colleagues. The team includes faculty members who are have been active leaders in the AAUP, the University Faculty Senate, and their academic departments and colleges: Gerry Turkel, Chief Negotiator Gerry is Professor of Sociology and Legal…

AAUP: Organizing to Bargain for a New Contract

AAUP: Organizing to Bargain for a New Contract

The current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the University of Delaware and the University of Delaware Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (UD/AAUP) expires on June 30, 2016.   Calvin Keeler, President of UD/AAUP, has informed the University administration that our chapter intends to initiate bargaining for a new contract at the beginning of…