AAUP Steering Committee Rejects Administration Retirement Proposals
AAUP STEERING COMMITTEE RESOLUTION ON THE ADMINISTRATION’S RETIREMENT PROPOSALS After careful consideration, at its meeting on Thursday, April 21, the Steering Committee of the AAUP unanimously voted to reject the current administration’s surprising proposal to phase out the retirement…
AAUP-UD Survey Findings
Below you will find a link to a summary of the results of the AAAUP faculty survey, conducted earlier this spring. 508 (44%) of your colleagues responded to this survey, which is distributed periodically by the AAUP-UD to ask for…
The UD/AAUP Bargaining Team brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and leadership to the upcoming negotiations with our Administration colleagues. The team includes faculty members who are have been active leaders in the AAUP, the University Faculty Senate, and their…
AAUP: Organizing to Bargain for a New Contract
The current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the University of Delaware and the University of Delaware Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (UD/AAUP) expires on June 30, 2016. Calvin Keeler, President of UD/AAUP, has informed the University administration…