What is AAUP?
The American Association of University Professors is a national organization representing college and university faculty members exclusively. With members at more than 2000 institutions and local chapters at 960 campuses, chapter organizations are united on a state wide basis. The AAUP is dedicated to defending the principles of academic freedom and tenure and to establishing sound academic standards to ensure due process.
The University of Delaware AAUP Chapter is certified by the State of Delaware Department of Labor to represent full-time faculty members on the issues of wages, salaries, hours, vacations, sick leave, grievance procedures, sabbatical leaves and other terms and conditions of employment as set forth in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (contract).

AAUP Membership
Membership in the chapter is open to all full-time faculty who are members of the Bargaining Unit. Today, more than 65% of UD’s faculty are members of the AAUP. If you are not a member, the time has come to support the organization that supports you. The more members we have, the greater our bargaining power.
AAUP Serves All Faculty
The University of Delaware chapter of the AAUP exists to help our members, and all faculty which we represent, on a number of levels:
We also have an array of unique concerns that are related to education and research. It is the AAUP’s task not only to protect the faculty’s economic and workplace rights, but also to guarantee academic freedom and to conceptualize, and make the Administration aware of, specific ways in which the University can deepen its commitment to educational excellence. Without AAUP, there would be no campus organization devoted exclusively to faculty rights, economic concerns and educational excellence. Consequently, no faculty member gains by not supporting the AAUP’s agenda. All faculty benefit from the AAUP’s existence.
Salient Issues
When we negotiate a new contract with the Administration, the AAUP and the Administration begin with noticeably distinct versions of what the faculty is worth in terms of base pay, health care and other benefits. Prior to negotiations, faculty are surveyed about their concerns and issues. Whatever the faculty receives as a result of these contracts is extracted from the Administration through analysis, argument and negotiating skill. Agreement cannot be reached without the approval first of the AAUP Steering Committee and then of the AAUP membership. Faculty gains are not given to us as a gift. Any faculty member who believes such gains “just happen,” or would happen without the work of the AAUP, is seriously deficient in their understanding of faculty-Administrations relations in higher education. The truth is if you are a UD faculty member, you currently receive a higher salary and better benefits than you would receive if the AAUP did not exist.
The promotion of a culturally diverse campus is a major AAUP commitment, although the process in this area has been slow. Academic pluralism and the elimination of inequities based on gender, race, sexual orientation, national origin and other characteristics (as listed in the contract) are non-negotiable union objectives. About 65% of UD’s faculty are currently members of the AAUP. If you are not a member, but agree with the objectives summarized here, you should join. The truth is that you are already benefiting from the union’s existence. The time has come to support the organization that supports you. Remember the more members we have, the greater our bargaining power, especially during a bargaining year.