Bargaining Update–5/1/23
Click here to see an update about collective bargaining.
Click here to see an update about collective bargaining.
TWO-TIERED RETIREMENT BENEFITS? JUST SAY “NO!” In its shocking initial contract proposals in February 2016, the Administration sought to end retirement leaves and retirement payouts for all faculty members within six years. The Administration also proposed to reduce the University’s contributions to the 403b retirement plan for new faculty members. Following a unanimous rejection of…
The current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the University of Delaware and the University of Delaware Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (UD/AAUP) expires on June 30, 2016. Calvin Keeler, President of UD/AAUP, has informed the University administration that our chapter intends to initiate bargaining for a new contract at the beginning of…
Please click here to see an open letter to the UD community about mid-term bargaining.
AAUP EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CALLS FOR GREATER TRANSPARENCY AND PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE’S BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND ADMINISTRATION The University of Delaware’s Board of Trustees has become increasingly engaged in shaping decision making on vital academic issues at our university. During the recently concluded contract negotiations with the AAUP, which lasted more than…
Click here to see an update on the implementation process for salary increases under the new contract.
Faculty Colleagues, This letter was sent this morning to President Assanis and Provost Morgan to express our concerns, and those of multiple faculty, about the university’s distribution and use of the Accommodation Request Form to determine which faculty might be exempted from teaching in-person classes in the fall. As a result of this communication, I already have been assured…