Bargaining Update–5/1/23
Click here to see an update about collective bargaining.
Click here to see an update about collective bargaining.
In mid-November, faculty members received notice that their investment options within their TIAA accounts would be changing significantly within several weeks’ time. The AAUP-UD had received no advance notice of these changes and was offered no additional information about them. As a result, the AAUP-UD leadership called for a meeting with UD administration, which was…
Gerry Turkel has been one of the longest-serving, most dedicated members of the AAUP-UD. Having retired this fall, Gerry was feted by friends, family, and colleagues at a reception in his honor on November 1. Deni Galileo, AAUP-UD President, presented Gerry with a plaque in appreciation for his many years of service (see above). A…
To view the 2016-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University of Delaware and the University of Delaware Chapter, American Association of University Professors click here.
Please see our July 2020 newsletter here.
Please see our April 2019 newsletter here.
April 2023 issue of The Voice, the AAUP-UD’s newsletter.