President Deni Galileo’s 5/11/2020 Letter to Faculty
See President Deni Galileo’s letter to the bargaining unit about COVID-related mid-term bargaining.
See President Deni Galileo’s letter to the bargaining unit about COVID-related mid-term bargaining.
The AAUP, along with other higher education groups, strongly opposes proposed changes included in tax legislation being voted on by Congress this week. The AAUP particularly opposes the repeal of provisions exempting from taxation tuition waivers for campus employees and graduate students, which would cause a devastating tax increase for thousands of graduate students, and…
In mid-November, faculty members received notice that their investment options within their TIAA accounts would be changing significantly within several weeks’ time. The AAUP-UD had received no advance notice of these changes and was offered no additional information about them. As a result, the AAUP-UD leadership called for a meeting with UD administration, which was…
The current Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between the University of Delaware and the University of Delaware Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (UD/AAUP) expires on June 30, 2016. Calvin Keeler, President of UD/AAUP, has informed the University administration that our chapter intends to initiate bargaining for a new contract at the beginning of…
Click here to see an update about collective bargaining.
Since 2019, seven working groups at UD have been researching and drafting a self-study to present to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education as part of UD’s re-accreditation process. In order to be accredited, an institution is judged by seven standards, and each of the working groups was assigned one standard upon which to…
Please click here to see an open letter to the UD community about mid-term bargaining.